<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% Dim RcsUsers__MMColParam RcsUsers__MMColParam = "1" If (Session("MM_Username") <> "") Then RcsUsers__MMColParam = Session("MM_Username") End If %> <% Dim RcsUsers Dim RcsUsers_numRows Set RcsUsers = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") RcsUsers.ActiveConnection = MM_users_STRING RcsUsers.Source = "SELECT * FROM useri WHERE username = '" + Replace(RcsUsers__MMColParam, "'", "''") + "'" RcsUsers.CursorType = 0 RcsUsers.CursorLocation = 2 RcsUsers.LockType = 1 RcsUsers.Open() RcsUsers_numRows = 0 %> <% ' *** Logout the current user. MM_Logout = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("URL")) & "?MM_Logoutnow=1" If (CStr(Request("MM_Logoutnow")) = "1") Then Session.Contents.Remove("MM_Username") Session.Contents.Remove("MM_UserAuthorization") MM_logoutRedirectPage = "index.html" ' redirect with URL parameters (remove the "MM_Logoutnow" query param). if (MM_logoutRedirectPage = "") Then MM_logoutRedirectPage = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("URL")) If (InStr(1, UC_redirectPage, "?", vbTextCompare) = 0 And Request.QueryString <> "") Then MM_newQS = "?" For Each Item In Request.QueryString If (Item <> "MM_Logoutnow") Then If (Len(MM_newQS) > 1) Then MM_newQS = MM_newQS & "&" MM_newQS = MM_newQS & Item & "=" & Server.URLencode(Request.QueryString(Item)) End If Next if (Len(MM_newQS) > 1) Then MM_logoutRedirectPage = MM_logoutRedirectPage & MM_newQS End If Response.Redirect(MM_logoutRedirectPage) End If %> <% ' *** Validate request to log in to this site. MM_LoginAction = Request.ServerVariables("URL") If Request.QueryString<>"" Then MM_LoginAction = MM_LoginAction + "?" + Request.QueryString MM_valUsername=CStr(Request.Form("txtMailUser")) If MM_valUsername <> "" Then MM_fldUserAuthorization="" MM_redirectLoginSuccess="acc.html" MM_redirectLoginFailed="loginerr.html" MM_flag="ADODB.Recordset" set MM_rsUser = Server.CreateObject(MM_flag) MM_rsUser.ActiveConnection = MM_users_STRING MM_rsUser.Source = "SELECT username, psw" If MM_fldUserAuthorization <> "" Then MM_rsUser.Source = MM_rsUser.Source & "," & MM_fldUserAuthorization MM_rsUser.Source = MM_rsUser.Source & " FROM useri WHERE username='" & Replace(MM_valUsername,"'","''") &"' AND psw='" & Replace(Request.Form("txtPass"),"'","''") & "'" MM_rsUser.CursorType = 0 MM_rsUser.CursorLocation = 2 MM_rsUser.LockType = 3 MM_rsUser.Open If Not MM_rsUser.EOF Or Not MM_rsUser.BOF Then ' username and password match - this is a valid user Session("MM_Username") = MM_valUsername If (MM_fldUserAuthorization <> "") Then Session("MM_UserAuthorization") = CStr(MM_rsUser.Fields.Item(MM_fldUserAuthorization).Value) Else Session("MM_UserAuthorization") = "" End If if CStr(Request.QueryString("accessdenied")) <> "" And false Then MM_redirectLoginSuccess = Request.QueryString("accessdenied") End If MM_rsUser.Close Response.Redirect(MM_redirectLoginSuccess) End If MM_rsUser.Close Response.Redirect(MM_redirectLoginFailed) End If %> TraderOnlineSafe
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<% If Session("MM_Username") = "" Then Response.Write "" Else %> <%End If%>
<% 'response.write Session("MM_Username") If Session("MM_Username") = "" Then %>
<% Else %>
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<%=(RcsUsers.Fields.Item("firstname").Value)%>  <%=(RcsUsers.Fields.Item("lastname").Value)%>

<% end if%>
John Maritoni - New York
• 1200 USD Sony laptop
I was an internet fraud victim a few month ago and I stopped doing business on the internet... But now, this TraderOnlineSafe company helped me get my confidence back. Lots of thanks!     read more..

Michael Dare- Iowa
• 650 Cannon camcorder
First, it was hard for me to understand how internet transaction works... Now, not only that I fully understood the system, but I enjoy doing safely business on the internet.     read more...
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Why do you need TraderOnlineSafe?
Whether you are the buyer, seller, lender, or borrower, you want the assurance that no funds or property will change hands until ALL of the instructions in the transaction have been followed. The TraderOnlineSafe holder has the obligation to safeguard the funds and/or documents while they are in the possession of the TraderOnlineSafe holder, and to disburse funds and/or convey title, only when all provisions of the TraderOnlineSafe have been complied with ...read more

How does TraderOnlineSafe work?
The principals to the TraderOnlineSafe (i.e. buyer, seller, lender, borrower) cause TraderOnlineSafe instructions, most usually in writing, to be created, signed, and delivered to the TraderOnlineSafe officer. If a broker is involved, he/she will normally provide the TraderOnlineSafe officer with the information necessary for the preparation of your TraderOnlineSafe instructions ...read more

What fees and costs will be charged?
TraderOnlineSafe fees are not regulated by the State. TraderOnlineSafe holders, like any other business, will charge fees that are commensurate with the costs of producing the service, the liability undertaken, and the overhead expenses, which include a profit factor ...read more

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<% RcsUsers.Close() Set RcsUsers = Nothing %>